Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's all about family

Storks- not a common site in the States. But driving through the countryside here, you see plenty of their signature nests on chimneys and telephone poles. Sometimes you'll even see the residing stork. There's something so "country" about them. Traveling by train is probably the best way to really take in the Polish countryside, which is so beautiful. Sit and stare out the window... Even just driving from one city to the next (from my mom's family to my dad's), the roads take you through beautiful rolling fields, with a big blue sky. For some reason, I always notice the clouds more than I do at home. Probably because I'm not the one driving (a very good thing, driving in Europe is crazy and with a stick shift).

Chilling with my mom's family in Gdansk was wonderful! With one exception, everyone lives within about 30 min of each other, in city traffic. The day I arrived, I was treated to seeing almost everyone as they dropped in for dinner at grandma's. If I was forced to choose a favorite cousin on that side, right now it would have to be Natalka. (No offense to my other cousins, I love you all!) She's 1, giggly, totally adorable and totally spoiled! Who could resist? Seeing all my cousins growing up (I'm the oldest) makes me feel really old... My big brother (I mean "uncle" jk) has a baby! I must be getting old! Now I know what my aunts and uncles meant when they said they felt old as I was growing up... Oh, old age....
On a walk through a nearby neighborhood.

My family is very concerned about my solo travel plans- they recently watched "Taken." I have been requested to check in daily. Otherwise, "they" will have to deal with my uncle, who plans on taking out half of Spain, if necessary. Seriously guys, I will be fine. :)

Big day ahead- my goddaughter's First Communion!

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