Everywhere I go there's a bouquet of these pretty white flowers. They remind me of Anne of Green Gables... I don't know why. Anyway, they're in season here and it's just wonderful! Also, leave it to Poland to have completely indecisive weather. One day it's freezing- as in, pull out the sweaters and coats. The next, you're digging through your closet for shorts and a t-shirt. And this continues all summer long.......
Today's dinner special: strawberry pierogi. I must comment on the strawberries. They may not be the prettiest strawberries around, but they sure beat ones normally found in our grocery stores (pleasing to the eye but rather tasteless in comparison). Neither my grandma nor I are in any way experts at this, but we managed. The dough is very simple. It's the assembly that can get... well, very sticky and messy. Especially using strawberries that don't really conform to your desired shape. In the end, the family was fed and everyone survived. Success.
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